Cairns postcode

Cairns Postcode and Latitude and Longitude

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Cairns Postcode Finder

Here Cairns postcode, latitude and longitude and links to other facts are listed below for your information.

Cairns Postcode 4870

What is the postcode for Cairns?

The postcode for Cairns is 4870Cairns postcode 4870

What is the latitude for Cairns?

The latitude for Cairns is 16.9203° South

What is the longitude of Cairns?

The longitude of Cairns is 145.7710° East

Cairns Postcode Maps

The below maps shows the correct postal area and the number to be used by Australia Post for that suburb or area.

Cairns Postcode Map
Postcode Map

Latitude of Cairns

Latitude refers to a coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the surface of the Earth. Latitude is given as an angle that ranges from –90° at the south pole to 90° at the north pole, with 0° at the Equator. Cairns Latitude is 16.9203° South.

Longitude of Cairns

Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the surface of the Earth. It is a point east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich. This prime meridian is an imaginary north-south line that passes through both geographic poles and Greenwich, London. The longitude of Cairns is 145.7710° East.

Cairns Central Postcode

The CBD and all the city’s inner suburbs all share the 4870 postcode. If you need anything from Australia Post, the Cairns Post Office is located at 38 Sheridan Street, Cairns.

4870 cities

West Cairns: 4870

North Cairns Postcode

The code for North Cairns is 4870

Cairns Central Postcode

The code for central Cairns is 4870

South Cairns:

South Cairns suburbs are not 4870. Instead different areas have their own code. These are listed below:

  • Gordonvale: 4865
  • Edmonton: 4869
  • Bayview Heights 4868
  • Mount Sheridan 4868
  • Woree: 4868
  • White Rock: 4868

Townsville Postcode

The correct code for Townsville is 4810. As with Cairns, surrounding areas may have their own unique code.

Brisbane Postcode

The Australia Post website allows browse for Brisbane Postcodes by area.

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