growing mulberries

Growing Mulberries Guide

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Growing Mulberries in Qld

Fortunately, growing mulberries in the tropics is easy as pie. Instead of a tree, in the tropics they will grow into a healthy fruiting bush.

Furthermore, there are three well-known species, white, red, and black mulberry. However, we find the black mulberry grows particularly well in our tropical climate.

growing mulberries fruit
Growing Mulberries (Fruit)

How to grow mulberry tree from seed

Should I grow mulberry from seed?

Mulberry does not grow ‘true to type’ so when you grow from seed your plant will not be the same as its parent. Consequently, if you have a mulberry tree you like, we recommend ‘grafting’ to create a new mulberry tree with the same characteristics.

How to grow mulberry tree from cutting

Time needed: 5 minutes

How to grow a mulberry tree from a cutting.

  1. Obtain Cutting.

    Cut 3 or 4 healthy stems measuring approximately 500mm (19.5in) in length. Use a sharp pruners to avoid tearing the plant. Cut just above a leaf node (where a leaf or bud emerges from the stem).

  2. Prepare Cuttings

    Remove any buds and leaves from the bottom half of the cutting. Dip the bottom 2.5cm (1in) of the cut stems in rooting hormone.

  3. Plant Cutting

    Make holes with a stick or other tool. Plant the cuttings into the holes. You should bury bout 1/4 of the cuttings. Pat the soil firmly around the stems to ensure they stand upright

  4. Keep soil moist

    If you planted in potting mix, check it daily. If it feels dry to the touch, mist with a light spray.

  5. Transplant your plant

    When your cutting has become well established, you can transplant your new tree with new roots either into the ground or into a new (large) pot. Water regularly. Congratulations, you have now turned what was a mature branch into a new tree!

Dwarf Mulberry Tree

We recommend you grow the dwarf variety, as left to its own devices your mulberry tree will grow to 3m (10ft) tall and almost that wide.

Our tree is not a dwarf, consequently we have to prune it annually. 

Mulberry Season Qld

You need to know when to prune and when your trees are likely to fruit. This can vary according to where you live, so here we are talking about mulberry trees growing in Queenslands.


Many trees fruit more than once per year. However, we have found our trees produce most of their fruit between September and December.


If you are growing mulberries the tropics, the best time to prune is at the start of the dry season. Follow the prune with a feed and water.

A light prune in summer (after your harvest) is also advised.

Growing mulberry in pots

Two quite good varieties to grow in a pot are the Dwarf Everbearing and the Issai. Neither of these will grow over 2m (6.5ft). Alternatively, you could use any variety of mulberry and simply keep the height under control by pruning.

Problems with Mulberry Trees

Mulberry trees are fairly hardy. However, in Australia they can suffer from two main diseases, fungal leaf spot and bacterial leaf spot. Accordingly, neem oil is a good organic pesticide and fungicide that you can apply to your plants.

Are mulberry trees illegal in Australia

In some parts of Australia, particularly parts of Queensland, mulberry trees (especially the white mulberry) are considered an invasive species and may be subject to restrictions or control measures.

It’s essential to check local regulations and guidelines regarding planting or managing mulberry trees in your area.

When to plant mulberry tree Australia

The best time to plant a mulberry tree in the tropics is at the start of the wet season. This way the rain will do a lot of the watering work for you as the plant becomes established. Once your mulberry is well settled in you should not be required to water until the big wet is over.

Growing Mulberries – The Fruit

Health Benefits

Weight Loss

A number of studies have indicated that eating more plant foods such as mulberries reduces the risk of obesity and obesity related diseases.


Mulberries are a good source of fibre. Indeed, this is important as more fibre in the diet has been shown to help with weight loss, digestion and bowel function.

Immune System

This fruit is full of nutrients that will boost your immune system. Indeed these nutrients include vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


Mulberries are also high in antioxidants that improve the functioning of the blood vessels by dilating them. Consequently, this leads to improved blood circulation.


Mulberries contain prebiotic fibre which helps beneficial microbes to populate the gut and bowel.

So, in light of these health benefits, now you know how to grow mulberries at home, why not get planting?

Other Tropical Fruits

Enjoy growing mulberries!

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Tropical Gardening






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